Author: e4more
New age Indian classicist and keynote speaker’s message on woman empowerment whose journey started from Penis Envy to finding ways to set Shakti Free
Get past age discrimination at workplaces with these cool engagement activities.
Biggest Indian and Pakistani Sufi stars keeping the heritage of the Sufi music alive.
The visionary Leader and keynote speaker, Pooja Ruprell’s message on how to be the best version of yourself
Reasons why we need to add humor to workplaces
Checklist that can help you to deeply engage employees with your enterprise’s soul
The bestselling author and keynote speaker of Dividing Lines’ shares his views on Pandemic’s impact on bilateral relations.
Creative and innovative means for modern-day employee engagement dynamism
Timeless wisdom from lifelong experiences of the Indian Army veterans
Cyber Security Specialist and Keynote speaker from India, Gautam Mayekar’s guide to be safe in the Virtual world
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