Author: e4more
Corporate Asanas Are Trending “Breathe in.” Eyes closed. Back straight. Mind as blank as you can make it… “Breathe out.” Feel your muscles relaxing. The negativity draining away. The tension dissipating… Corporate wellness programmes are quickly becoming a strategic imperative from an HR point of view – as they rightly should be – but perhaps one discipline has had the most impact on the corporate world. Yoga. The 5,000 year old physical, mental and spiritual practice is finding favour in offices from Berlin to Beijing. An increasing number of corporations are making funds and space available for yoga classes on…
They grew up taking the internet for granted, sharing holiday pics on Instagram and storing all their music on cell phones. They are millennials and by 2020 they will comprise 35% of the global workforce. So we should all be thinking about engaging millennials — starting with attracting them away from competitors, ensuring they are effective at their jobs, and retaining them in the long run. Millennials value a transparent, collaborative culture. Silicon Valley companies with their open workspaces, flexible hours and their regular CEO-employee Q&A sessions are the gold standard. While this may not be a viable option for…
Distressing your employees is critical for your employees to be at their best and deliver for your business. It is no longer a luxury choice but a must do for all business irrespective of the nature of business or size or age of the organisation!
The ability to attract the best talent is paramount for the growth of any organisation and more so in highly competitive sectors where skills sets in are in high demand. Several organisations rely on marketing, public relations, company performance to build a brand for the company and therefore rely on these routes to attract the right kind of talent.These avenues sometimes fall short since searching for a job is now more like shopping for a better job and in such a scenario your company’s reputation is more important than ever. So, what really forms part of your corporate reputation or…
Imagine a scenario where scores are awarded only for fours and sixes. Singles, doubles and runs between wickets are totally disregarded. Would you like to watch such a cricket match – where the power packed action of running between wickets, the mighty spin on the track, the altercation between the players, 3rd umpire reviews, bouncers, the appeals and all the emotions are all missing? This is exactly the difference between ATL macro-level marketing which is very top view or approach vs the Micro Marketing (largely in shape of BTL) which is all about the action on ground, people, emotions, engagement,…
In one year, in one company alone, 18 Chinese workers attempted suicide at work. 14 succeeded, throwing themselves from the upper floors of office or factory buildings. This number comes as no surprise to those familiar with the anti-suicide nets in infamous Chinese companies such as Foxconn. Long hours, mediocre pay and poor future prospects have been a recipe for work stress-induced suicide at businesses across the country. While such figures remain alarmingly high, suicide accounts for a relatively small percentage of the total number of karōshi (overwork death) victims in China. Deaths from work stress-induced heart attacks and strokes…
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