Book these powerful Indian Female Keynote Speakers in science and tech to hear their stories, learn from their experiences, and gain insights
The bestselling author and keynote speaker of Dividing Lines’ shares his views on Pandemic’s impact on bilateral relations.
Timeless wisdom from lifelong experiences of the Indian Army veterans
Cyber Security Specialist and Keynote speaker from India, Gautam Mayekar’s guide to be safe in the Virtual world
Secrets of staying young forever by Pediatrician Dr. Shilpa Aroskar
Growing Diversity and Inclusivity through Art and Literature and getting Better Together with Aakash Mehrotra
Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesperson, not the attitude of the prospect. -W. Clement Stone Your sales…
In the last two decades, India has witnessed an altogether new breed of entrepreneurs. Majority of them do not come…
Business have seen disruptions and need of digitisation since the beginning of Modi’s regime during especially with demonetisation. Covid times…
Most sought-after female motivational speakers rocking the corporate world They are driven by empathy. They are high on emotional and…
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