Best Quotes by Indian Motivational Speakers

Motivational Quotes by Indian Speakers that will change your life

Words of Wisdom by India's most inspiring speakers making the world a better place

To engage employees, let them waste time.

Bring in a plan in action to help your employees waste time on things that they like. Make friends with…

Workplace Yoga: let’s stretch away stress

Corporate Asanas Are Trending “Breathe in.” Eyes closed. Back straight. Mind as blank as you can make it… “Breathe out.”…

Get ‘millennial-friendly’ in 10 steps

They grew up taking the internet for granted, sharing holiday pics on Instagram and storing all their music on cell…

Only-on-collateral branding is dead, engagement is in

Imagine a scenario where scores are awarded only for fours and sixes. Singles, doubles and runs between wickets are totally…