“Building a visionary company requires one percent vision & 99 percent alignment”

This quote by James R Collins brilliantly defines the reason why some companies are able to achieve what they aspire for and why so many also fail in this process. The core difference lies in successfully implementing a vision alignment framework and engaging all stakeholders to follow it diligently. So it becomes very important how employees are engaged around core vision, its pillars and alignment framework throughout the year. 

Here are some of the best engagement activities which takes vision alignment process beyond conference room and make it very interesting for employees :-

Vision Board

A vision board is a very powerful tool that will help your employees to represent their aim, targets, objectives, desires, and aspirations around organization vision on a canvas. Book this activity as it helps them to creatively articulate their goals and visualise them on a daily basis, thus keeping them MOTIVATED and FOCUSED towards achieving them.Creating a vision board is an inspirational but fun activity. Our facilitator will help your employees – Identify and list all their goals, put together a timeline for them and design a vision board.This activity is very powerful for employees to figure out their short term and long-term goal, align them with an action plan, and visualize it on a daily basis to help them work towards it.

Big Picture

Pixel art form focuses on small pieces placed individually to create a bigger piece of art. This challenge is clubbing together individual efforts and amalgamating to the biggest masterpiece of art. A surprise ending happens when all of the seemingly unrelated paintings come together and assemble as one large cohesive painting to inspire everyone! The activity recognizes the interdependency of individuals and their equal contribution in achieving the organization’s vision.Our professional artists will create a multi-canvas artwork, which reflects your company vision framework, incorporates your logo and brand image. The artwork will be divided into grids and each team will work on one individual canvas grid. Post painting all the canvases will be framed together in the correct order. The final masterpiece will be then revealed creating an exceptionally “it” moment for the employees as it refers to the sense of belonging and commitment. The final masterpiece is huge and will prove to be a remarkable piece of art that your team will be proud to have contributed to and can be hung at work as a permanent reminder.

Pyramid Building

Pyramid Building is an activity that involves building a large pyramid from the resources provided. The entire group collaborates on the design, build parts and joins them together while keeping in mind the larger picture. Book this activity to help employees to do collaborative designing & thinking around vision alignment framework using pyramid structures. The employees will be grouped into teams and will be given resources such as cardboard pieces, etc. Depending on the design and group size, small prism-like structures will be build that can be joined to build a large pyramid

One Vision

One Vision virtual team building is a super fun, immersive and tech enabled gamified painting activity that can cascade your organisation vision across a wide spread employee base in one go in a very cost effective way. One Vision, world’s first ever tech enabled big picture activity is highly customizable and multiple role plays for participants in the activity makes it very inclusive and engaging. This virtual employee engagement activity offers analytics at individual as well as organization level participation. Participants will join through a video call (zoom / teams/ meets / webex etc) and after a quick be-briefing will be put into breakout rooms. Leaders of the teams are shown a picture (which can be customized as per your vision/ values/ goals) and teams in the breakout rooms need to recreate a small part of this picture using our tech enabled drawing tool. The real trick is not only in recreating your own team’s part but it lies in how different team parts are combined to match it closely to the original picture shown through the power of collaboration.

Motivational Speakers

Experience sharing by motivational speakers can be a great way for the employees to get inspired. Motivational speakers add to the morale of the employees whether they are sales, marketing or delivery teams. You can book a motivational speaker to launch a vision alignment framework or inculcate new sets of values or behaviors. These sessions have the power to inspire and influence your employees for the short term as well as long term behaviors.

Our experts can assist you to discover keynote speakers from our roster of more than 1,000 keynote speakers. You can choose a motivational speaker from various backgrounds like Sports, Innovation, TED speaker, war veteran, Female speaker, Evert climber, entertainment, spirituality, business or look at our special series of super women, sales meet specialists and vernacular speakers.

Musical Chair Painting

Musical chair is one of the traditional ways for engaging a team in a most efficient manner which also brings back childhood memories for each one of us. This activity is not just about playing musical chair but what it offers is an interesting twist. It’s a fast-paced art experience that will build on your employee’s ideas, inspiration and collaborative skills. In this workshop, each employee will be instructed how and what to paint by our lead artist. The painting is customised as per your vision alignment framework. When the music stops everyone moves! When the music starts again, they sit down where they are and keep painting! It is very interesting to see how they all work to follow along, or help catch the next one up and so forth. The best part is Your employees get to take the painted canvas with them.

A Canvas Theatre

Communication plays a crucial role in cascading vision, alignment framework, and helping employees to adopt it. This activity is filled with colors and theatre which makes each employee come out of their comfort zones and witness something extremely new about the vision cascading process and their role in it. Our facilitator will first give a topic to each participant to draw on the canvas and bring out their version of the story through colors, paints, etc. This exercise enables employees to gain perspective on their real-life roles and how to use those patterns actively at the workplace. This is one of the best ways to align employees around a vision framework.

Chain Reaction Chase

The Chain Reaction Challenge is an exhilarating, high-energy collaborative team building activity combining strategy, imagination, and plenty of hands-on action. Split up into smaller groups, the teams will be collaborating, designing, planning and building their own crazy contraptions to achieve a common vision. Employees are divided and work in teams to build a working machine performing a very simple task (like ringing a bell) in an insane complex manner and should operate fully functional. Each team is responsible for their specific zones, and each zone must ensure the ideal fit and movement from one zone to the next using a series of unique, obscure, and interesting materials ranging from domino blocks, cardboard boxes, ping pong balls, marbles, balloons, levers, pipes and so on. This means that, in order to successfully complete their task, each team must communicate and collaborate with their surrounding teams rather than just focusing their individual work. Since the mission is challenging, teams have to think strategically and develop a common vision in order to bring their crazy invention to life!

Vision Anthem

A good musical composition has the power to touch across people of all levels , high recall with the same impact every time one listens to it.  Cascading vision with a musical anthem / song /jingle is one brilliant idea which must be explored. A vision anthem adds a unique dimension to your cascading plan as it could be leveraged across many platforms /events / cafeteria / floors / office commute etc. This employee engagement initiative can be made very inclusive by having employee participation right from creating music composition , lyrics and final song. You can always add an exclusiveness to it by roping in a celebrity singer to sing for you vision anthem. 

Go here and start your employee engagement journey with a mix of virtual and offline team building activities NOW! Visit engage4more.com or get in touch with our experts to learn more about the best employee engagement activities as per your objectives or budget. 

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